- Arc Resistant Switch-gear – intended to have the Arc Flash energy escape back and upward, in an effort to save personnel.
- Fire resistant clothing – Intended to not sustain a flame.
- Fast acting relays and circuit breakers – intended to minimize the energy when the Arc Flash event occurs.
- Arc Flash Safety training – Intended to educate personnel so accidental Arc Flash events are minimized and actions required upon an event are clear.
- Remote, selective trip, or other options.
- Arc Flash prevention with PHASEBACK VSGR ON ALL TRANSFORMERS – PREVENTION IS LESS EXPENSIVE – Keeps the system operating, with Alarm output.
Whatever you choose, install Phaseback VSGR first to keep your personnel safe, while the benefits help to pay for the other action items.
Schedule demonstration. Let me know any preferred dates and I’ll bring the demonstration to your office.