Before electronics Digital Revolution, Lighting Ballasts were Transformers, relays were electro-magnetic, Motor Starting was Contactor based. So how has that changed the electrical system and distribution transformers?
1950’s Ungrounded Delta – 3 legged core Transformers, with circular windings were standard, which were rugged and reliable with the ability to supply large surge current without a large voltage variation.
1970’s Grounded Wye Transformers were less expensive, 5 legged core construction, and were installed to provide equal phase voltages as required by some motor drives.
1980’s New smaller, faster controls and drives became very popular. Economy, efficiency, simple to make changes, were driving factors for these changes. These new devices were smaller and more sensitive to power quality issues, causing down-time in operations.
1990’s Brought a realization that the WYE power system provided a current path for the first ground-fault, causing increased danger from ARC FLASH.
Several strategies have been used for Ground Current Limiting, using NGRs, HRG, Zig Zag, etc, and they do not provide for Phase Voltage stability.
2000’s Invention of the Phaseback VSGR which provides
1. Arc Flash / Fault Prevention
2. Voltage Spikes / High Voltages Eliminated
3. Phase Voltage to Ground Imbalance Corrected
4. Phase Loss from High Impedance Grounds Fixed
5. Phase Angle Differential Maintained
6. Phase Voltage Instability Corrected
7. Phase Voltage Harmonics Improved
8. Voltage Wave Form Distortion Corrected
9. Noisy Ground Reference / Frequency Corrected
10. Arcing Ground Faults Corrected and Indicated via Alarm
11. Operational Efficiency by Reducing kW and Ground Current
Phaseback VSGR can be used on either Delta or Wye systems.
,AFPT ARC FLASH PREVENTING TRANSFORMER IS SIMPLY A SHIELDED DELTA / DELTA TRANSFORMER WITH PHASEBACK VSGR ON THE SECONDARY and provides Harmonic Filtering so as to eliminate the need for other filtering devices in most caases. This solution has been applied to many users in the US, both with and without the Delta / Delta Transformer.
2017 Phaseback Voltage Stabilizing Ground Reference tested and proven to prevent flash-over and arc flash at KEMA lab
The Phaseback VSGR added to a Delta – Delta power transformer performs all the power quality tasks without any of the power issues
2017 The Arc Flash Prevention Harmonic Mitigating Transformer (AFPT) balances phase voltages removes line generated harmonics and spikes from the source and load side of the power transformer making line reactors, TVSS (MOVs), SPDs, Amp Trap filters obsolete.
Give me a call to discuss your applications.
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