According to NOAA, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, geomagnetic storms are expected to occur every 11 years. With the last one occurring in 2012, many are wondering if we are past due for the next one. These storms have the potential to take down electrical grid systems, causing damage to electrical equipment and inconvenience to the affected population.
The Solution: Phaseback VSGR
You may be wondering how to protect against such an act of nature. The answer is Phaseback VSGR, a voltage stabilizing ground reference technology. Phaseback VSGR handles voltage events much better than other voltage limiting devices such as MOVs and other transient/surge protection devices. Even with Phaseback VSGR, if the system goes down, you could still experience electrical damage. However, further damage is prevented while the necessary references needed for an orderly start-up are maintained. As soon as the grid is up, you can start back up too.
The Importance of Phaseback VSGR During Geomagnetic Storms
During a geomagnetic storm, electrical systems can be damaged when current is induced into the ground and comes up into the electrical systems from the ground. Phaseback VSGR balances phase to ground voltage continuously, without regard to what is happening with the ground. This means that your system is protected, even during a geomagnetic storm. If your utility uses Phaseback VSGR, they will also be protected.
Comparing Phaseback VSGR to Traditional Surge Suppressors
Traditional surge suppressors, or TVSS (SPD), are typically tested for 5 to 8 millionths of a second (8 to 20 microseconds) to limit the damage to the MOVs. Most circuit breakers have a short time of 3 to 5 hundredths of a second, while instantaneous trips operate in 3 to 5 thousandths of a second. However, a geomagnetic storm can cause voltage anomalies for over 180,000% longer than the longest device can withstand.
The Benefits of Installing Phaseback VSGR
Installing Phaseback VSGR can prevent damage in high voltage situations and protect all other power quality devices installed in the power system. In fact, Phaseback VSGR does not negatively interact with any other power quality device, it actually protects them. If you think having a generator will protect you, you should consider that the damage may already be done before it goes dark. Phaseback VSGR will protect your system, whether powered by the grid or generator.
Conclusion: Protect Your System with Phaseback VSGR
As electronics have gotten smaller and more susceptible to voltage anomalies, surge suppressors alone are no longer sufficient to protect electrical systems. By installing Phaseback VSGR, you can protect your system against the damage caused by geomagnetic storms. Don’t wait until it’s too late, take our challenge and install Phaseback VSGR to protect your system. The good news is that it will pay for itself and save lives. Is your facility protected against these issues?