We are requesting advice from Engineers with electrical system modeling experience, using SKM, ETAP, or other programs. We are trying to model our patented Phaseback Voltage Stabilizing Ground Reference (VSGR), and we have run into obstacles.
- The component does not exist, in the Software Libraries, so we must build it.
- After talking to SKM and others, we learned that in order to represent bus differential protection, the only way the software can be modelled for Arc Flash is with a zone selective interlocking (or other optical devices). These devices sense an arcing current, and cause a device to trip instantaneously. However, these devices are only able to react to changes in current. Phaseback VSGR is a device that electro-magnetically operates at the speed of current flow. When a change in voltage as small as one or two millivolts occurs, there is not enough fault current available to trip the breaker, nor is there enough current to cause an arc flash.
- We have spoken with SKM and others, and tried explain that our purpose is not to minimize the Arc Flash event, but to prevent it, which seems to be a problem in the software.
- Phaseback VSGR demonstrably works as represented so there must be a way to model the “Safe Electrical System” which prevents ARC FLASH! Sceptics are welcome!
The generic circuit diagram is shown for example. More details will be provided as needed.
We are trying to find a software package which will allow us to properly model this circuit so it can be inserted into various one-line diagrams to show the results and how it impacts the safety of the facility. It is time to end the deaths and prevent the injuries associated with Arc Flash.
Again, a circuit diagram can be provided to demonstrate what we are trying to do.
If this cannot be accomplished with present software, can software be developed, or is there other software recommended which would have this capability?
If you have any ideas, we are very interested in hearing from you. This is important so that Phaseback VSGR can be properly understood by the engineering community for the benefits that it provides. Save Lives and Save Money!
Comment on this post or contact: William Hinton bill@applied-energy.us Dan Princinsky dan.p@applied-energy.us
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