We may have lost our understanding of Physics when thinking about Power Quality and Energy Conservation. Think about it. If we can fix the Voltage issues by using Voltage based solutions, we gain efficiency, economy, & simplicity. 1pg pdf download
- Trying to solve Voltage problems with Current operated devices is very inefficient, & frankly only made sense before we had Phaseback VSGR.
- Trying to remove voltage harmonics using a wave trap or Amp Trap inductive / capacitive filter wastes hundreds of amps and is not effective when compared to Phaseback VSGR.
- The Phaseback Voltage Stabilizing Ground Reference (VSGR) solves this problem using less than 1 amp and does a better job filtering voltage harmonics than the 350 kVA Amp Trap filter which drew about 400 amps.
- Trying to limit voltage spikes with MOV based TVSS, SPD devices cause a high current surge of thousands of amps trying to pull the source voltage down, after allowing a high voltage spike generally 2 to 10 times nominal voltage or more. The VSGR limits the phase voltages which will not exceed the nominal system voltage & uses only thousandths of 1 Amp.
- Adding line reactors and chokes, which resist a change in current, to drives, for voltage harmonic correction is not effective at low speed or light load and does little for noise at the point of common coupling. The VSGR can reduce the phase voltage harmonics by 85% and reduce the peak voltage by 45% to remove all voltage spikes from the source, drive and reflected noise from the long motor leads.
- Yes, it all starts with VOLTAGE.
The VSGR also limits ground current and fault current better than a HRG, removes electrical noise from 180 Hz through 3.5 Gigahertz and has been proven to prevent arc flash making the entire power system safer to work around.
The VSGR saves lives and saves money as the improved efficiency provides a 1 to 2 year payback.
The picture above is a chart from the KEMA Lab ARC FLASH TEST. The load was not interrupted because the Phaseback VSGR removed the 6kV surge instantaneously and prevented an event – An Arc Flash Event! The current draw for 390 ms was 40.75 Average Total Amps.
Think about it: If current operated devices like amp-traps, MOVs and inductors solve power quality problems, why have the power quality losses quadrupled over the last 15 years?
If it don’t make cents it won’t save dollars.
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