Phaseback VSGR
closes at .9622 approx.
A second phase to ground fault tries to develop. Phaseback does not allow it.
The ARC FLASH EVENT is prevented!
ee Ryan Davidson’s explanation below. Good job Ryan!
“When the phaseback closes, the secondary current in the transformer is common to all 3 phases, since they are in series. This means there is a voltage on the secondary that induces a voltage on the primary side to boost the voltage on that grounded phase. Then it looks like there is another fault. 2 phases are in sync so could they be shorted together here?” ***One Correction: the two phases would short together without the Phaseback VSGR.*** See next page for a different event with some interesting details that give a little more complete picture of how Phaseback VSGR fixes the problem.
It is important to understand that:
Ungrounded Systems– The second phase to ground fault is most likely an ARC FLASH in every case.
Grounded Wye Systems- The first phase to ground fault is likely to be an ARC FLASH in every case.
#standingwave #reflectedwave #ground #PowerGrid #arcflashpreventiontransformer #harmonicmitigatingtransformer #Grid #AFPT #empprotection #reduceenergycost #voltagestabilizer #empgridprotection #grounding #savemoneyonelectricity #SPD #emp #harmonics #savethegrid #balancephasevoltage #StopLightningDamage #vsgr #HRG #transient #PowerQuality #6000Varcflashtest #arcflashprevention #ProtectthePowerGrid #StopArcFlashDamage